Tips To Help You With Your Claim
If you are seeking Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or both, one of the most important parts of your case is the medical evidence. It is important to your success to provide the Administrative Law Judge with all relevant evidence, including hospital reports, ER visits, and records of all physicians, psychologists, or therapists you have seen since your disability began. However, the most important medical records are the treatment records of your treating physician, because many times this physician has seen you over a long enough period of time to have good insight into how your combination of conditions affects you. Obtaining these documents is a time-consuming task, but having up-to-date medical records is a critical part of proving you are disabled.
Additionally, it is important to understand that almost all Social Security Disability files at the hearing office are electronic files. There is no paper file folder. It is not very helpful to show up the day of the hearing with a lot of paper medical records. The medical records need to be submitted to the judge electronically. If our office receives paper medical records, they are scanned, converted to a digital format, and electronically filed via Internet. It is also important that the medical records be obtained and submitted well in advance of the hearing. The more the judge knows about your conditions, the better the judge is able to prepare for the hearing.
Communicating with your attorney facilitates getting and submitting the medical evidence in a timely manner and is one of the ways that your representative can help you win your case. It is very important to let your representative know about all of your medical treatment, so that these records can be ordered and submitted to the judge well in advance of any hearing.
Be sure to get the medical attention that you need. Going without medical care can indicate that you do not have a medical problem or that your medical condition is not so severe that you need treatment. When you get medical treatment, one tip we always give our clients, and one you should consider, is to COMMUNICATE with your attorney or representative about your medical care and treatment so that the evidence in your case can be developed.
At Byron A. Lassiter & Associates, P.C., we work closely with our clients, to develop the medical evidence proving disability. If you are interested in speaking to someone in our firm, we have a NO FEE/ FREE consultation. Please call us Toll Free at 1-800-544-3568, or in our Mobile, Alabama office at (251) 478-5297, or our Pensacola, Florida number, (850) 479-3552.